Family caregivers, nurses launch campaign to protect Washington’s long-term care benefit, defeat I-2124

While proponents of I-2124 argue the WA Cares tax burdens state residents, Vancouver resident Christina Keys is among those who want the program to continue. She adds her voice to the campaign urging voters to reject the Nov. 5 ballot measure.

About 12 years ago, she quit her job to become a full-time caregiver for her mother who lost function after a stroke. Over the next 10 years, she maxed out credit cards, emptied her 401(k) and other savings, and worked multiple part-time jobs in order to afford daily care for her mother, Patricia Keys.

Read more in The Columbian


WA Cares: Because every Washingtonian deserves a secure future, no matter what lies ahead


Highlights from the No On 2124 Campaign Launch