WA Cares: Educate yourself and vote no on I-2124

By Jim Freeburg, Renton, Executive Director, Patient Coalition of Washington

In “New poll sees if WA cares about payroll tax to fund WA Cares program” [July 23, Local News], The Seattle Times cited a poll that was favorable to Initiative 2124.

However, I’m inclined to agree with the spokesperson from the No On I-2124 campaign, who pointed out that those polled weren’t given all the information they needed to make an informed decision.

Initiatives are complex and it takes time for voters to wrap their heads around them.

Over the next few months, voters will learn that I-2124 will bankrupt our state’s long-term care system, leaving millions of Washingtonians without long term care coverage. They’ll learn how harmful I-2124 will be for women, who are most likely to become caretakers for family members who don’t have coverage and need help, and they will learn that trusted organizations like the League of Women Voters of Washington, The Children’s Alliance and the ALS Association — as well as my organization, the Patient Coalition of Washington — are calling on voters to reject I-2124.

In my opinion, the more voters understand about I-2124, the more they will be likely to oppose it.

I’ll be voting no on Initiative 2124. I hope you do, too.

Read the letter in the Seattle Times


Highlights from the No On 2124 Campaign Launch


Poll: I-2124 Under 50% Needed To Pass