I-2124 Opponents Launch Ads Urging Voters to Vote No On I-2124


Washington State – Today the No on Initiative 2124 campaign launched an ad campaign to educate Washington voters about what’s at stake with ballot measure I-2124. The campaign plans to run ads statewide from now until the election on cable and broadcast channels, streaming platforms and radio. 

More than 140 organizations, advocates for public health, patients, consumers, retirees, women and working families including the Washington State Nurses Association, AARP, the League of Women Voters, MomsRising, the MS Society, Leukemia and Lymphoma Society, as well as the ALS Association, in total representing more than 3 million Washingtonians, oppose I-2124.

In one of the most conservative corners of Washington, The Tri-City Herald editorial board recently weighed in against I-2124. 

In No on I-2124’s first ad, Washingtonians share how the initiative will hurt women. 

I-2124 “Losing”

I-2124 will cause more people, mostly women, to leave their jobs to provide unpaid care for loved ones with disabilities, or who are sick or aging, by shutting down payments and benefits for people who need care. Women are 73% more likely to permanently leave jobs and five times more likely to work part-time due to caregiving demands.  More than 800,000 Washingtonians, mostly women, are currently unpaid family caregivers. And I-2124 will leave women with private insurance as the only alternative, which charges women 70% more than men. 

I-2124 will make this crisis even worse. 

Libby Watson, campaign manager for No on I-2124, commented: “Washington voters know a wolf in sheep's clothing when they see it. The only ones who would benefit under I-2124 are the super wealthy and big insurance companies. When voters hear the facts about how it will increase costs, hurt women and people with pre-existing conditions, they oppose I-2124.”

To talk with impacted stakeholders, call Kristin Hyde 206-491-0774. Visit https://www.noon2124.org/resources for more information.

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