Letter: Reject Initiative 2124

By Vicki Bickford

I’m an in-home caregiver and I see the effects of people who weren’t prepared for medical emergencies and changes in their health. They’ve been left needing help with daily tasks that they find their friends or family can’t help them with. Every one of them lost their futures — and even their homes — because of expensive medicines and equipment that insurance wouldn’t cover. This is very common, because ordinary people aren’t prepared for the costs of long-term care. Except for the wealthy, like the hedge fund millionaire who is sponsoring Initiative 2124.

To think that this initiative could take our benefits away horrifies me. Think about how badly your loved ones, neighbors and friends will be hurt if they have no safety net when they need to pay for care. When I’ve spoken to people in other states about Washington’s long-term care benefit program, they wish they had it.

For all of us who thought we would have a retirement account when we retired, and instead are left depending on Social Security, you understand how valuable Washington’s long-term care benefits are going to be. I’m voting “no” on I-2124. I hope the voters of Washington will do the same.

Read the letter in The Columbian.


Reader Opinion: Vote NO on Initiative 2124


Commentary: Initiative 2124 is wrong for Washington state women